„The Nothing Left Bag“ Valentin Leuschel

„The Conical Intersect Bag“ Esther Dow

„The Lynx Fur Bag“ Anna Romanenko and Björn Kühn

„The Nnot Bag“ Steffen Kugel

„The Boombox Bag“ Amanda Moore

„The Chinese Ink Bag“ Sören Hiob
„Friends of the House“
artist editions on fake Louis Vuitton bags from Shanghai. Artist editions by Esther Dow, Sören Hiob, Amanda Moore, Valentin Leuschel, Steffen Kugel, Anna Romanenko and Björn Kühn
I import six fake Louis Vuitton bags from the black market of Shanghai, China and copy the marketing strategy „Friends of the House“ of the luxury brand Louis Vuitton. LV creates very rare, unique and sophisticated pieces in collaborations with famous artists such as Jayoi Kusama or Richard Prince and thus creates extra luxury items that are extra hard to get. I collaborate with six of my artist friends. My artist friends are from different disciplines and each of them to modifies one bag. Each bag thus becomes an individual item linked to my friends’ diverse artistic backgrounds. In that sense I promote them and they promote me. My friends of the house.
Shown at: The Wearable Art Show, Knipsu Bergen Norway and at: I Think I’ve lost something, Bildhauerbau ABK Stuttgart

Installation View @ Bildhauerbau ABK Stuttgart